
Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada (SJTC) is a non-political, non religious global movement initiated by concerned Tigrayans-Ethiopians (henceforth Tigrayans) in the diaspora. The creation of this initiative is stimulated by the dire situation the current Federal leadership of Ethiopia is posing in our country in general and Tigray in particular. The threat to Tigray-Born citizens of Ethiopia since the current Federal administration, led by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, came to power in April 2018 has been one of survival and death issue. The war waged against all aspects of being Tigrayans – be it physical, social, psychological and emotional – has left the peoples in the State of Tigray beleaguered on all sides. The survival of the people of Tigray depends on our own collective will and action and that of the greater human family. The purpose of this initiative is, therefore, to safeguard the security and justice of Tigray, and the rights and interests of its peoples. This initiative uses peaceful means of struggle to achieve the aforementioned purpose. The next background section of this paper will detail the various verifiable means by which these onslaughts are sustained against the Peoples of Tigray.


Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada denounces and stands against any form of coercion and subversion of the rights, interests and aspirations of the Tigray people. We will stand against any acts that compromises our right for justice, economic freedom, self-determination, as well as territorial integrity. We do so
through the design and implementation of peaceful struggle.


The vision of the Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada, is to make meaningful contributions towards realizing a just, peaceful, prosperous and civilized Tigray that plays a pivotal role in augmenting the democratization process of Ethiopia.

Core Values

  • Integrity and honesty
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Public service
  • Inclusiveness, collaboration and empowerment
  • Excellence, innovation and dedication
  • Justice, fairness and equality
  • Peace and security


  1. Advocate for the Interests and wellbeing of the people of Tigray in Ethiopia
  2. Defend the rights of Tigrayans political prisoners in Ethiopia detained by the Federal government as well as those terminated from their civil service employment and morally humiliated due to ethnicity and political affiliation.
  3. Alarm the international community of the potential for ethic conflict and civil war, in Ethiopia and seek partnership in the struggle against the injustice, discrimination and violation of Human Rights against the people of Ethiopia by the new Ethiopian Federal Government.
  4. Campaign against the socio-economic, political, and psychological injustice and violation of human rights committed against the people of Tigray by the Ethiopian Federal government and its allies.
  5. Advocate justice and security for those of Tigrayans origin whose existence is threatened by the forced border demarcation, and seek the immediate release of those who were abducted Tigrayans by the Eritrean forces.